Tuesday 31 July 2012

The predictable Olympic post

Despite living in London, and having previous lived very close to the Olympic site (in Bow) I didn't apply for tickets for anything. A few days in I'm fairly glad I didn't because in attempting to watch the mens gymnastic last night Kit was whining so much that he wanted to watch Toy Story, that I offered him the choice of watching the Olympics with me or bed. He chose bed. At 6.20pm. It seems I've saved myself sitting in an Olympic stadium with a grumbling pre-schooler.

We have tried to get into the Olympic spirit. I was lucky enough to be able to watch the flame go down the river from the window at my work on Friday.

And then after work I picked Kit up from the childminder and we headed into Bromley, to meet some friends, with the intention of watching the opening ceremony on the big screen at Queens Mead Rec. The Bromley churches had organise a great family event to help the community join together to watch the ceremony. Kit enjoyed making a medal, bouncing on more than one bouncy castle and free cake and ice-cream. Despite the excitement and the sugar boost, he didn't make it to stay awake to see anything past the flyover.

We went home and I enjoyed the rest in the warmth and dry. And we attempted some more Olympic spirit making a torch in the Glades shopping centre over the weekend.

I have plans to try to inspire the Olympic legacy into Kit at the swimming pool later in the week. I'll admit I'm a bit fearful of letting him watch any running in case he learns any more tricks, I already struggle to catch him. Maybe in 12 years time I'll have the next Usain Bolt.

1 comment:

  1. What a great view of the torch down the river! My husband is very bravely taking Harry to some athletics on Friday, I'm not sure what he will make of it, luckily his ticket was only £3 and my husband's is in the cheapest band. He wants to take him to the Olympic Park but I'm not sure how long he will sit still for. He does love playing Olympics and racing round the house though!



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